Have you ever played “chicken” with a bull?
both cells are ringing
we answer
“y’all got a calf in your yard”
without words for each other
Cowboy Dan and I
 are both up
and headed out to find
the hole 
the bull 
Now let me insert here a couple of “types” of calves
A. a cuddly calf
B.  a be your pal at a distance calf
C.  a leave me ALONE or I will run over you calf
this one…..
is a C!
when we located him he had gone through 
another hole
 (note to self add “mend fences” to our to-do list)
Cowboy Dan says to me
 “walk down there and open the gate”
and because I love him and I had not had a cup of coffee and was apparently not seeing through my “morning eyes” which bull calf this was I headed that way
I entered the lot and see the bull calf frantically searching for the hole…any hole
I am walking towards the gate when
 he spotted me 
and began walking towards ME!!
this is where I sprouted feathers 
and began flying backwards 
a trailer that I am on top of 
within SECONDS..
I holler back to Cowboy Dan
 “He’s coming towards at ME!!!!” 
Cowboy Dan hollers back
 “walk around the panels” 
So again, because I am CRAZY in love with this man and trust him with my life
I climb down from the trailer
 and head towards the panels
The calf doesn’t move…
 instead he does that
 “hey you’re getting too close to me 
head twitch-
 and nose- blow- snort” 
that the “C-type” calves do 
so when he headed left..I headed right up and over the panels into the “safe zone” 
Eyes on the calf I holler back at Cowboy Dan 
and then my knight in shining armor
 his loyal companion, Zookie 
 one “swoosh” of his hand 
and one bark from his companion
the calf 
is around the other side of the panels
back through the gate
half way across the pasture 
before I can climb back up
over the panels.
the end.
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  1. The only thing missing is your neighbors would have loved to laugh at you pls call next time. Hehe!!!(JBH)

  2. Never a dull moment at the smith family farm! tee hee girl….get your coffee before you go out and be a cowgirl! love you! tammy

  3. yes except the neighbors would have got more than they bargained for being that we were in our sleeping attire!!

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