I have been told now a few times by people I love and respect that I should write a book…
the first time I heard that was about seven years ago and I literally LOL!
but since
and as the years go by the thought now…..
intrigues me…
Let’s keep it real.
I am not a grammar specialist!
and I am T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E with commas!
I love to tell a good story.
a few chapter titles to consider:
Chapter 1
“Life at Tony Creek” might include stories of a magical childhood…really..
it was…we played together everyday!!..life in the woods and growing up on the creek bank with my two sisters and our five girl cousins..
Chapter 2
“Cowboy Dan” how I met and married the LOVE of my life who happens to be a real cowboy …
“Life and Loss” with our journey of infertility, loss and life
“Our Boys- Our Joy” of our life since having our two boys and the AMAZING things they are teaching us…
Chapter 5
“What Next??”
notes on this chapter are developing daily
So yes, I am intrigued…
we’ll see.