Meeting new people is one of my favorite things.
I met Libby at a conference back in the fall. Her smile was infectious and unforgettable like that of a movie star. She messaged me recently and asked if I would join her for an upcoming podcast.
Of course, I said yes because talking and sharing our story are two more of my favorite things.
Libby’s website, Classic Cursive Communications is just as sophisticated as it sounds. She is a gifted writer, and her voice during this interview is as soothing as the breath of spring.
I should have probably worn pearls during our interview, but instead, I downed a chocolate milkshake just before our chat in my car. Yes, this interview was recorded in my car because loud people live in my house.
In this interview, I share a precious handwritten letter from my sister, Lily. If you have met Lily, you have surely met goodness and mercy.
My hope in sharing this personal note:
- You will be encouraged because God doesn’t waste pain
- You might consider sharing your pain with others in hope of easing theirs
- You will see God is always working things together for our good and His glory
Share this podcast with your people. Ask God to lay upon your heart one person who may be in a pit of despair, one who is hurting or wondering why bad things happen…
Lastly, I join Libby in challenging you to take a moment and write a letter to someone. Send a word of gratitude or a simple hello to a long-lost friend because words matter.
It is without further adieu’ I share The Letters from Life podcast with you <3
much love,