It’s the week of Thanksgiving, and though many days feel as if the world is on its head, “in everything give thanks.”
I remember as a little girl during the season of Thanksgiving taking a notebook and making a list of things I was thankful for until I ran out of things to write down.
Mostly, I have my mother to thank for teaching me to make lists and to see the glass half-full.
In years past while hosting the feast for our rather large extended family and with the hope of stirring an attitude of gratitude we’ve set up a Thankful Tree. If that sounds fancy, it’s not. Our Thankful Tree was an old limb from the yard stuck in a bucket of rocks with strips of paper for guests to write down what they were most thankful for and lastly, clip it to the tree. There’s something special about writing things down.
Other years before the family baby boom where a few kids turned into 20ish we would gather in a large then, larger circle just before the blessing. While in the circle each one who wanted would take turns sharing a word of gratitude or praise.
So, tell me. How about you? What’s one of your favorite Thanksgiving traditions?
I would love to hear more about your Thanksgiving or Christmas family traditions in comments.
If you’ve considered starting a new tradition but aren’t sure where to start might I suggest you check out this BEAUTIFUL, FREE e-book by Sandi Sutton.
TRADITIONS, A Holiday Collective:

Sandi contacted me several weeks ago and asked if I would mind sharing a family tradition in her collective e-book. When I said yes I had no idea what the end product would look like, but I will tell you it is better than SPECTACULAR!

This e-book is beyond stunning, and Sandi’s passion and niche for photography are obvious!
Of course, she had me at, ‘family tradition.”
If you’re new here, it won’t take you long see my love for family and how crazy we are about tradition, particularly a Thanksgiving tradition with our extended family that may or may not have anything or everything to do with dressing like Pilgrims and Indians.
Now, for the sake of this post and not to spoil what’s inside, I won’t say anything more except:
1. I encourage you to download this FREE, BEAUTIFUL E-BOOK, and
2. turn quickly to page 44 just in time for Thanksgiving because
3. it’s not too late to start a new tradition!

Much love and thanks from me to YOU for making this space matter!

P.S. The SHOP #PrayBig page has updates because can you BELIEVE we are approaching the two-year anniversary of #PrayBig. We’re going to talk more about this soon but until then go check out the videos we’ve added HERE!!! (Side note –>currently we are SOLD OUT of mugs and red hats, but we do have a beautiful turquoise #PrayBig hat available LIMITED TIME only)
P.S.S. The Speaker page has been updated 🙂 Click HERE to see if I am speaking near you!
P.S.S. S If you have missed our recent Facebook Lives–GO NOW and FOLLOW @Karmen Smith, Blessings Beyond the Barnyard on Facebook because I love you and want to encourage you and your friends with
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