Can a person be authentic without being transparent or be transparent without being authentic? What does authentic faith look like in real life? What does authentic faith sound like? And why does it matter?
These are just a few of the questions we discussed in last week’s Facebook Live. Obviously, authentic faith is something I am very passionate about and down to my bone marrow, I believe if there was ever a time or a generation that needed to SEE –>REAL FAITH it is NOW!
I’d love for you to take a listen and let me know your thoughts on authentic faith.
Paul Trip says, “Biblical faith looks reality in the face and does not flinch.” I believe we could substitute “Biblical faith” with “Authentic faith” and I would like to add an exclamation mark.
Authentic faith looks reality in the face and does not flinch!
Do you want to know why or better yet, we can endure great suffering, hardship & not quit the faith?
He is faithful. He is trustworthy and He told us,
“In this world, you will have trouble but DON’T LOSE HEART!!! I have overcome the world!” John 16:33
I’d love for you to give a shout out to those in your life who have modeled or inspired you by their authentic faith.
If you’re in a tough place, a hard season and you’re considering quitting I want to encourage you to hang on! It’s gonna be worth it!
Much love & prayers,