a book?!

 I have been told now a few times by people I love and respect that I should write a book… the first time I heard that was about seven years ago and I literally LOL! but sinceand as the years go by the thought now…..almost….intrigues me… Let’s keep it real.I am not a grammar specialist!…


wooohoooo! We have our very 1st SmithCreek Farm FARM CAMP  scheduled and I am so stinkin’ EXCITED! We have had a great response!!! Day oneAnimal Care/Safety, wagon ride, craftDay twoGardening, Fish, Poultry/eggs and craftto be continued….


You can plant corn now.  Heard our first whippoorwill night before last. Always heard “don’t plant your corn til’ you hear the whippoorwill” By far one of my favorite sounds.  Makes me think of summertime, porch swings and lemonade. So peaceful. What are your favorite sounds?


You know my middle sister is the one who should REALLY be blogging…… Night #1  9:50pm  ring…ring.. “Hey, can you come over …I think the dogs have been fighting or something??!!!  I just heard something?!?“ Cowboy Dan and sister’s husband are brothers. Her love was at work. So Cowboy Dan suits up and is on…


Have you ever played “chicken” with a bull? both cells are ringing we answer “y’all got a calf in your yard”  thenwithout words for each otherCowboy Dan and I are both upand headed out to find the hole  and   the bull  Now let me insert here a couple of “types” of calves A. a cuddly…