I signed up for this gig out of obedience to a command. Lots of days I am unsure of many things except one. We are called to care. Far too long I lived with the mindset that the command to care was somehow suggestive. It is not a … [Read more]
3 Things Foster Care Has Taught Me
Are You Physically Exhausted or Emotionally Overwhelmed?
Can you relate? The back to school rush is just behind us and we're moving like a freight train down the tracks towards the holiday season and this week I found myself physically exhausted, emotionally overwhelmed & almost crawling to my porch … [Read more]
Are You Authentic, Transparent, Both or Neither?
Can a person be authentic without being transparent or be transparent without being authentic? What does authentic faith look like in real life? What does authentic faith sound like? And why does it matter? These are just a few of the questions … [Read more]
We’re Not That Different After All
I recently sat in a living room wrapped two circles deep with women. I strategically placed myself behind a lampshade kind of because I wanted to blend in not stand out. Introductions moved clockwise and were, for the most part, kept brief. Listening … [Read more]