read a noteworthy article over the weekend

the recap:
with Halloween behind us
and Thanksgiving just around the corner
the COUNTDOWN has begun
as we move towards
the most beloved of holidays….

the challenge of keeping our focus on CHRIST
is quite challenging
particularly during the holiday season 
 baking, shopping, decorating
it’s easy to get “off track”

a suggestion
to help us remember
 where our focus 
should be:

take 2 clear jars 

fill one with fist size stones

fill the other jar three fourths full of sand

the stones represent
the spiritual disciplines,
the lifelines
to a healthy relationship with My Savior: 
time in His word, in prayer, serving others

 the sand represents
our “to-do” list
that are as endless as grains of sand

the effects:
on days when we fill the jar with sand first 
and then
the stones
as the innkeeper said, “There is no room in the inn.”

but instead if we will FIRST  
place the stones
 and then 
pour the sand 
around the stones

it works!

when we 
give to HIM FIRST
our heart

He will bless the rest.

I am going to place my two jars in my kitchen

as a reminder
to keep my focus
on Him
each day
especially during HIS season

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