was the title of the devotion I read this morning

fitting for this time of year..

end of school celebrations, graduations, fundraising

lots of emotions

a crazy time of year

Spring “activity storms” before the calm of summer….

and I don’t know how it is at your house


we. is. GIVE. OUT!!


but you know what we’ve gotta do??

from the words of Dory

“just keep swimming, just keep swimming, what do we do? we swwwiiiimmm…la la la la laa laaaaaa”

we’re going to STAND STRONG

had to throw a PEP RALLY for Cowboy Dan, the realist this morning

part of my job as his helpmate (and the SPAZ of this union)

“this too shall pass”

busy seasons come and go

sickness, weariness, business, the tough stuff

as well as the good stuff ..

like those precious moments with our kids, sweet conversations on the porch under a full moon, days so full of blessings we feel as though we may burst..

time marches on….

So, if I may spur you??


in whatever YOU are facing today:

financial woes, heartache, job stress, relational strains, exhaustion from life

prayerfully strive to be like Paul who had learned to be content in “all circumstances..whether he had little or much”


make our Sovereign Savior, who’s grace is sufficient for us

our focal point

not our circumstances


His relentless strength,

His unconditional love for us,


depending, trusting, expecting Him to see you through

He’s faithful.  The ONLY one who is ALWAYS faithful.

focus on Him and REMEMBER

“Put your trust in the Lord your God and you will stand your ground.  Believe what his prophets tell you, and you will succeed.”

2 Chronicles 20:20

blessings today,

K :O)
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