Our microwave blew January 1, 2013. We were moving full throttle into uncharted waters having left my career with a predictable income just a few months prior. Everything about life as we had known it looked different except for our address so why NOT try life without a quick defrost or popcorn button.
Little did I know then how often God would use the absence of a microwave in our kitchen to remind me, in a right now world some things take time.

We are living in a day where a fast food drive thru isn’t fast enough. Now, your roadside favs have people who will gladly approach your car in the parking lot with an iPad in hand, ready to take your order or better yet you can download your favorite restaurant’s app and order before you arrive! Did you ever in your wildest dream predict in one-click on Amazon you could have a gallon of milk or a case of toilet paper by the door in twenty-four.
I get it. Time is marching on, biological clocks are ticking and yes, I’ve heard Adele’s new album, and her declaration in at least three songs and know none of us are getting any younger!!! #fortheloveofyouth
The young want more birthdays.
The newlyweds want their dream house.
The barren want a baby.
Empty nesters wish they could see their baby birds more often.
Who doesn’t want to be debt free?
The dream job
World peace
We want it all, and we want it RIGHT NOW or better yet, yesterday!!
But in a right-now-world, some things take time.
How much time?
I don’t know.
What I do know, God is at work in the wait.
How can we endure the present?
A few suggestions that may encourage you and yet some days I forget:
- Fix our eyes on Jesus. What does that look like? Look for the activity of God today while we wait for tomorrow. Ask God to make today matter. As we set our eyes above, ask God to use us where we are with what we have. In doing this we take our eyes off of ourselves and begin to see the needs of others we may have otherwise missed.
- Accept, what is. Jim Elliot said, “Wherever you are, be all there.”
- Pray. It sounds simple and yet so many of us underestimate and overcomplicate prayer. You’ve heard; prayer is talking to God. Yes, but what if we take it one step further. I recently read somewhere we often pray one-way, a monologue. But what if we prayed in dialogue allowing our conversations with God to become a two-way street? What if, after time in His Word we let God’s Word lead us in prayer with Him? His Word speaking to our hearts and us lifting our prayers up to Him, connecting the two disciples: God’s Word & prayer.
If you and I were having coffee or lemonade, I would speak these words to you with my serious face as humbly as I know how:
“Learning to pray God’s Word back to Him has been the most practical, beneficial and valuable discipline I’ve ever learned.”
A game changer.
A few life lessons we’ve learned in living life without a microwave: we wait for meat to thaw, pre-plan meals, and reheat coffee on the stove. I suppose it’s silly to some, relating life without a microwave to seasons of wait & prayer.
But God in his goodness has so gently reminded me, in those little moments of delay, in a right-now-world some things take time.
In His time: He is working ALL things together for our good.
He is God. We are not.
He is faithful and wants to bless us exceedingly and abundantly.
He is always near.
He loves YOU and me and will never stop.
A prayer of encouragement for those who are weary in the wait:
Father, thank you for loving us like you do. Revive us, O Lord as we seek to live and love in ways that honor you. Give us grace for the wait as we trust you are working all things together for our good because God, you are good. When we forget Father, help us remember, To everything there is a season, a time and a purpose under heaven. With our eyes fixed on you, bless us this day we pray, in Jesus name. Amen.
Much Love,
PS-Need more encouragement? Grab a friend, your Bible and a #PrayBig journal and practice together. Or better yet, I’d consider it a privilege to come and encourage you and your people. We are working on my calendar and would love to include your ladies group, teens or just you and a couple of your friends. God is so gracious and has answer many of my #PrayBig prayers through YOU!
Great word for my morning!
Great word as always Karmen. #praybig
I am crying, this comes at a time of spiritual need. Thank you my friend!
Thank you for this article. Yes. With the conveniences of our “new world” it is easy to loose the gift of patience. It is important to remember things take time and happen in alignment with God’s timing and perfect will for our lives.