Seasons of Change

in this lifeSeasons of changeare in inevitablethey come and goas faithfully as the natural seasons some changeswe embraceothers make us cryseasons of life have weighedparticularly heavy on my heartthe last few days (most assuredly onset by my hormonal changes)and stillthis morningaffirmed through the sobering messageat churchreminding methat unfortunatelyNONE of us are getting any youngerand there are MANYIMPORTANT lessons yetto be learned…

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“NEVER SURRENDER” yes? or no?

those who attended high school in our small town in the 80s or 90s know immediately without hesitation who I am speaking of when I say“NEVER SURRENDER”whether you were a wrestler (I was NOT but I married one)or were in his Health class or shop class Coach Billy Colburn (love you COACH!)taught you to “NEVER SURRENDER” I wish I had a nickel for every timeI’d reflected uponthose two simple…

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"NEVER SURRENDER" yes? or no?

those who attended high school in our small town in the 80s or 90s know immediately without hesitation who I am speaking of when I say“NEVER SURRENDER”whether you were a wrestler (I was NOT but I married one)or were in his Health class or shop class Coach Billy Colburn (love you COACH!)taught you to “NEVER SURRENDER” I wish I had a nickel for every timeI’d reflected uponthose two simple…


Teaching the YOUNGER

Learning..every day….have I mentionedI LOVE childrenand I LOVE teachingand I especially LOVEteaching MY childrenrecently on a few separate occasionsI have been asked questionsin regards to children and their intellectual development“Where do I start?”“What curriculum is best?”“Do I need a curriculum?Let me begin by sayingI am BY NO MEANS an EXPERTon the subject of teachingin particularly teaching very YOUNG…