
thankful#8: difficulties

“Learn to appreciate the difficult days.”  Is how my devotion began today..looking back to our most difficult days makes my heart smile “WHAT?!”“you can’t be serious?!”but I am serious.  very.I’ve shared here on Blessingssnippets of our toughest daysand on occasions when I have been asked to share my testimony I have shared “my agenda” (haha)which brings to mind the quote “if you…


thankful#6: life

last night we went to pay our respectsto a sweet friendand sister in Christwhose season of lifeended abruptlythis past Saturdayas we enteredher home church I gasped within myself atthe number of people standing in line to share loveand memories with her precious loved onesI’ve never personally witnessed such a celebration of LIFEI shared with Cowboy Dan as we waited in…