scanning through some oldies but goodies from the blog – this one from July of last year about my Precious mother and her cell phone is priceless.
Precious was scheduled for knee surgery this morning
We spotted a rainbow on our way out of town ..
it followed us all the way to the hospital.. It calmed and gave mother perfect peace. Thank you Lord for your thoughtfulness.
While sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctors to call her back
Precious asked me a question:
“Hey can you show me how to send the same text to multiple people?”
Precious took out her
very old
small Trac phone
that she bought from the Dollar General YEARS ago and began the new text..
As she began entering the first recipient- (daddy’s number) I noticed the words
“heyweredone” in the recipient line
I interrupted her and said:
“uh-oh, you must’ve made a mistake because the word “heyweredone” are in your recipient line.”
“no, it’s not a mistake-that’s your daddy.”
“Yes, that’s your daddy’s number”
me: (completely baffled, trying to make sense of this brief dialogue)
“let me clarify..“heyweredone” is daddy’s number in your phone???”
“Yes, it’s been that way a little over a year…since the night of the bad tornadoes. Your daddy text me to let me know he was done working. I’m not sure how “heyweredone” got in there…but that’s your daddy’s number.”
“welll…ok mother, would you like for me to edit the “heyweredone” to his name?”
“can you?”
“Yes mother, I would be glad to.”
and with that
I edited
“heyweredone” to “daddy” in my precious mother’s contact list
see why I love my mother so?
she’s Precious.
Linda Reed Burgess says
Such a sweet story of your Mom. She is precious!