yoohoo! it’s me..anybody there?
HAPPY day-after-Thanksgiving!
we’ve watched all the newest Hart of Dixie’s on Hulu and Cowboy Dan decided to tap out early so I thought I would catch y’all up a bit!
confession -did y’all eat like they were going to stop making food yesterday??? yea. me too. I ate so much grape salad I almost died. No, I’m serious. I had my sister physically remove my plate so that I wouldn’t eat a FOURTH helping! yes that means I ate 3! and I savored every single refreshing burst of every single grape ..dang! it was good. and Fo’ sho’-my new FAVORITE dish!..
we had a ball! as usual- at the annual gathering of Pilgrims and Indians-(yes, this is for real. It’s tradition. We dress up as pilgrims and Indians. It’s fun. You should try it.)
it only got crazy a time or two-
like when Blue-duck (the bad Indian from Lonesome Dove) tried to take the fair maidens captive
or my dad forgot he was may dad and decided he was a mountain man version of Don Johnson-or whatever. #shadesinthehouse #dork
but annnyywayyss..
today I worked like a cray-zeeee lady at the store until 2ish and then headed home to work on gettin’ my Christmas decor up this afternoon that turned in to evening that turned into night that made Cowboy Dan say next time I’m staying at work instead of coming home early. Yea, that.
My intentions are good. We start with the Nativity set (better know to my short people as the “activity set” because they don’t understand the word Nativity -(and just so you know-I don’t either)
We had the Christmas music on …feeling all lovey and cozy and sweet and then the dad-blame lights got tangled in a Clark Griswald kinda knot and Momma lost her cool for a flash second and then we all repented and finished on up-note about FIVE HOURS later-
be near Lord Jesus, be near
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree could be our new family theme song. We’ve been slingin’ lots of trees and sap at the store over the last two weeks..We are so very THANKFUL for those who have chosen our trees to be a part of their holiday festivities..
who knew decorating for the holidays was such a zipadeedooda ordeal? not me. But I’m learning.
I’ve learned alot this year. So much that I think I beginning to ooze wisdom. Or something like that or not. (<–note: sarcasm)
on a slightly more serious note. I had this epiphany last week while I was walking around in my coveralls at the store. No, you didn’t read that wrong. I wore my coverall two days in a row and had an uncanny resemblance to that of the stay-puff marshmellow man. Yea, I hate you missed it.
While I was waddling around loading wreaths and trees. Slingin’ sap, loading a few pumpkins here and there- I came to the realization that we’re really not that different after all.
we’re more the same than not.
some drive a Lexus others a Ford
some wear fur coats others overalls
some have lots others payday-to- payday
in the end our desires are the same
to be loved. respected and treated with kindness
so let’s do our best -particularly during the holiday season
wether we’re at the Dollar General, church or the local feed and seed ..let’s look for opportunities to show love, respect and kindness to those the Lord sends our way…and remember
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
ps=the answer to the title question=absolutely nothing.