there’s lots I need to catch y’all up on –

Things like,  I recently found out that a member of my immediate family -that I adore! sleeps in a coon skin hat at night and I want to tell y’all about the guy that came and bought a pig from us, asked Cowboy Dan to shoot it so the guy’s Cuban friend could cook it for him for Christmas dinner! OH, and my boys saw our last litter of piglets “hatch” and asked me where babies come from… but all that’s gonna have to wait for another day because TODAY is the day we are celebrating

The SAVIOR’s birthday!


and I want something a little something I wrote last year and thought it worthy of sharing again-


but Mary quietly treasured these things in her heart and thought about them often.
Luke 2:19

this verse has been on my heart recently

….Mary quietly treasured

the shepherds were ASTONISHED
a VAST host of angels PRAISED

….Mary quietly treasured

righteous Simeon PRAISED GOD, the prophet Anna PRAISED GOD

….Mary quietly treasured

Before I became a mother I never really thought of Mary much.  Like many of you, I’ve heard lots of messages about her, read about her and faithfully positioned her in our Nativity scene each year at Christmas.

but this year I’ve thought of Mary often.  I’ve sincerely -considered Mary

her LOVE for her SON, the Savior of the world

….Mary quietly treasured

her willingness to be available to God

“Mary responded, I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants.  May everything you have said come true. ‘And then the angel left.” Luke 1:38

her humble heart,

how ordinary she was-


My prayer today as we look forward to the New Year is to be more like Mary-

ready to humbly serve Him, the PRINCE of PEACE, the King

whenever, wherever

I am His.

are you?

Merry Christmas y’all


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