peeps. tribe. folk. brood. (I like that one)  brood.  You with me??

I’m referring to family.  The sisters and I spent much of the day at the hospital rallying around some of our kin because in this family, that’s what we do.

When my first cousin had her first munchkin’ who is almost two decades old -(which by the way makes us a.l.o.t  less young) –we almost got kicked out of the hospital.  Not kidding.  The cowboy and I were on a date at his house celebrating our love of two years.  Savoring steaks and potatoes, chit-chatting about something mushy I’m sure (lie) when the tribe called and said, “IT’S TIME!”  In a flash, I kissed the cowboy goodbye and hitched a ride to the hospital because in this family, that’s what we do.

When another cousin had her first little person it was like watching a rerun.  The “IT’S TIME” call followed by the mad dash to the hospital and finally, the hospital staff’s threat, “If you can’t hold it down, we’re going to have to ask you to leave.”

I get it.  We’re a lot to take.  There are a lot of us on momma’s side of the family that stay way too up in each other’s business.  aaannnd we’re loud.  aannd we get excited when another one is added to the flock.

It’s not just births.  We celebrate birthdays LOUD usually with song and Easter and Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas.  This is probably a good time to insert the number of us-when we ALL get together is just shy of —->fifty.  I say it’s not a big deal when I’m convincing the cowboy that we should host just one more of the gatherings & yet as I’m writing this I’ve decided it might be a little bit of a big deal.

Although…..isn’t life better-together?

You may say, “That’s nice-but you don’t know my family.?!”

True.  But this I know with a tribe near fifty we’ve got the CRAZY faith disputes, multi-cultural politically correct and incorrect, diverse liberal &/or conservative views covered.  We’ve got junk and sin and forgiveness of all shapes and sizes.


The assortment of personalities and/or “mixed bag” if you will -is what makes this family, beautiful.  Did I say that?  The family that dresses up like pilgrims and Indians at Thanksgiving, plays used dirty Santa exchange at Christmas, hunts Easter eggs even if it’s raining, crazy with a capital C-R-A-Z-EEEEE family, beautiful?!  You’re doggone right! And yours is too!

Beautiful in spite of the differences.

Beautiful in spite of the personal preferences

Beautiful in spite of the mistakes

None of us are perfect.  No not one.  My hope and prayer is that you’ll think about your people and do YOUR PART to make it better amongst you.

THE CHALLENGE: LOVE your peeps. (and no, we’re not about talking marsh mellows)

Call a member just to say, “hey.

Go visit one you haven’t seen in a while. Maybe you’ll hug.

Write a letter.  Send a card.

Take a meal to one who’s sick or schedule a lunch date  just because. 

Forgive one for a wrong & ask another to forgive you.

Maybe- just maybe’ll remember when family was good or at least do your part to make it good for the very first time.

Whether immediate or extended…..Love them…

Familyis worth it.

night y’all


 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. (1 John 4:7)

PS—and just so we’re all on the same page…..



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One Comment

  1. Family is everything.. I sometimes fear “being family” is a dying art. I pray that we share our families with those who are blowing around like “candy paper in a windstorm” so that they may experience the anchor of love that we all need. Love one another, it IS a beautiful thing!

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