are you salty?

we (adults) make things complicated and really they aren’t  tonight during the rascals devotion I was reminded of a simple truth Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. salt makes people thirsty  right? and when you are thirsty  you want water Jesus said WE (those who profess Christ as Savior)  are supposed to…

it will be fine

lots of things are better with agecheesewinewisdomvocabularyself imagesense of humorandfriendship today I savored another priceless day trip with one of my nearest and dearest friends we didn’t reallygo anywhere spectacularbuy anything extraordinaryor experience anything too bizarrowe were justtogether laughingtalkingrememberingphilosophying (Cowboy Dan’s word for discussing philosophies)being realand anticipating the changesthat are just days away now bestie and I…