"Caught in a Track"

for those of you who know Cowboy Dan KNOW that he isn’t one for idle chit chat…and RARELY offers more than a simple responseto a question or commentand WILL NOT debateUNLESS he is 110% sure his info is accurate…(and because I have promised to keep it real-I must admit HE IS CORRECT MOST OF THE TIME)throughout our 2 decades together I have…


So tonight concluded our first Global Focus… You may ask what’s that?  Well I asked that very question. My simple answer would be…a REVIAL with the focus of being on mission for Christ. The setting was our simple church. The speakers were from all over the world. The fellowship was wonderful. The message is now…

ONE green crayon…..

Crayons..as a momma and a 1st grade teacher I ALWAYS have crayons in my purse…So today as the boys are getting settled for the message at church I begin to dig for the crayons..much to my dismay I retrieve only ONE green crayon. mmmmm???  strange. Our guest speaker begins the message with pictures and testimony…