WHOO! WHOO! any night owls still up out there?
I feel a bit like Dory, from Finding Nemo, as if I should introduce myself again:
Hi, I’m Karmen, the voice behind this place. It’s nice meet you. I’m delighted you stopped by.
Like no joke, I keep thinking life is going to slow down or I’m going to wake up one morning and be all-scheduled-and-organized like Mrs. “I do laundry on Mondays, grocery shop on Tuesdays, library on Thursdays..” yada-yada-yada and then I fly back from fairy-world and remember that I’m the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-let’s-wear-them-one-more-day-before we wash em’ girl!
Tell me friends, what’s new in your world?
Being that you are reading this, May didn’t get ya. Some days it felt like that around here. Like the month of May was ready to take us d-o-w-n. But we persevered and fought through the graduation for this one (P.S. please note the loving photographer was striving for connection not perfection in regards to the photos in this post)
an end-of-the-year for that one (the tall one is the one in the daughter I never had and is the one who has promised to take care of me all the live long days of my life after my boys are grown and gone #sniffsniff)
Don’t let the ‘tough guy’- too-cool-for-school look fool ya’ -this sweetie won the citizenship award for his class #waytogoRo
a thank you gift for this one and the let’s celebrate summer with that one, advanced levels of scouting
with a little fishing
and riding
by the hair-of-our-chinny-chin-chins!
We made it! #highfivesallaround
YOU made it! We made it!
And now it’s June.
June is my favorite because it’s birthday month for my spirited-little, for some of my very favorite people on the planet and for me (although I’m completely comfortable in my juvenile state of denial and have totally decided to go back and hold at 29 years young…again).
But mostly, June is just fun because it ushers in summer.
HIP-HIP-HOORAY! three cheers for summer!!!! and other BIG NEWS!
#1 a project near and dear and super special is ALMOSTcompleted and I. can.not. wait to share it with you….stay tuned because there just may be (like for sure there’s going to be a GIVEAWAY!)
#2 a MONTHLY NEWSLETTER is in the works! and you don’t want to miss this because there’s going to be free stuff and EMAILS peeps will know the skinny before you do -so -go-sign-up (—> look to your right…email subscription is free & easy)
#3 TONIGHT’S PODCAST—-and a question for you is up NOW:
#4 our SUMMER study: ANYTHING by Jennie Allen is going to be oh-so-good!
if you are local
JOIN US: TUESDAY, JUNE 9th at 10 am at
You do not have to be a member to attend
There is no charge for the class
You are responsible for purchasing your own book..here is the link to purchase:
Bring you mother, sister, friend and anyone else you can gather …this is going to be good!
Follow #AnythingProject online! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!!!!!
lots of love from a girl who wants to be more organized like you when I grow up
sweet dreams,
Great podcast! You will love the Anything study.