In a right-now-world, some things take time said the woman who declared she was writing a book and still hasn’t two years later.
Let’s play a quick Q & A game for sanity sake, okay? I’ll pitch you a few questions, and you leave your answers in a comment. Ready?
- How long is too long to put something off?
- How concerned are you with what others think of you?
- What keeps you from pursuing your dream?
I know, number three is a little heavy. Oh here’s another:
How often would something have to flow through your thought stream before you decided enough is enough? Or wait, is that question the same as the first?
For the love of sanity, enough is enough.
Let’s play pretend because apparently I haven’t had enough adult interaction today after teaching decimals to the tenth, building a volcano out of newspaper, feeding the people here three square meals from a scarce pantry because the grocery store outing is just (*&^*&^%*^$, wrangling dogs and boys from the pond, refereeing an afternoon play date with my nephews with elevated levels of aggressive testosterone, and last but not least, basketball practice just before finding melted Laffy Taffy in the dryer. #goodtimes.
I digress. Let’s get back to our virtual field trip. We’re at the local coffee shop because the smell of coffee is therapeutic. There’s a little folk music in the background. You’re having something delicious, and I’m having a pitcher of white chocolate mocha because I need it.
Now, tell me…what dreams, hopes or giant wish keeps you up at night? Think back to when you were a kid, and you dreamed of becoming a _______ when you grew up. If you’re still stuck, think about whatever it is, something you could do all day and lose track of time. What is that thing that makes your heart beat fast.
Next, is your dream, hope or giant wish something you are pursuing? If yes, WOOHOO and three CHEERS for you!!! We celebrate your success and hope you are intentionally serving and encouraging others with your giftedness. If not, why? This life is not a dress rehearsal. You’ve lived a life of regret long enough. GO! PURSUE all God has for YOU!
As for me…. Well because it’s only fair that we play by the same rules:
- How long is too long to put something off? I don’t know. What I am discovering is this- if God has assigned it- He’ll not be deterred. I know that I know, that I know, I am to share our story because each and every single time, (no lie) that I have tried to quit… He has used one of you to say, “Keep going. This space matters. Others need your story.”
- How concerned am I with what others think of me? Well, apparently a lot more concerned than I once thought. Maybe it’s my age? Maybe it’s that I’m home more and in the public less? Maybe it’s Satan being superb at what he does, but I type and delete. I place a comma and wonder if it’s supposed to be a semicolon or nothing at all. I record a podcast but don’t publish. I speak up and wish I’d listened more. I volunteer and feel overwhelmed. It’s a constant tug-o-war.
- What keeps me from pursuing my dream? I’m pretty sure I am seeking it, but at a much slower pace than I prefer or am accustomed. Others days I question if I’m doing anything right and then I remember or am reminded: my boys. They are the reason I left my job and came home. Not to write a book, or pursue speaking, publish a podcast or blog. I came home to teach them while they’re little because they’re only little for a little while. I begged God for these two rowdy rascals, and He was gracious enough to answer. So I will continue to teach and train them and write when they are asleep. Speak when asked and am able.
Someone said recently, time matters.
I heard the same truth echoed on our new favorite show, Longmire (find it on Netflix-you won’t be sorry!), “Experience takes time. Don’t rush it.”
Neither of these statements lines up with the fast-paced-want-it-now-get-it-now-world that we are living. But they are nonetheless true.
Those who know me well know mornings aren’t my jam. I’m a night owl by choice but last week the flea market beckoned me to arise early. Oh man! Am I glad I did! I had walked out on the back porch to give the dogs a treat when the skylight caught my eye. I scurried back into the house to grab my phone only to return to a shot much more majestic than before. In mere seconds, the sky transformed from AMAZING to BREATHTAKING!
The light shifted again and left me wondering how long before I see another sunrise like that one reiterating the truth~ some things take time:
Pursuing a dream
Finding a godly companion
Landing the right job
Discovering the ministry that fits your giftedness
Rearing children
Writing a book
My prayer for you dear friends is to be encouraged as we consider the weight of these words:
In a right now world, some things take time.
Let’s encourage one another to pursue wholeheartedly all that God intends for us, trust that the tug-o-war will be worth it and believe He is at work in the wait.
Keep going friends. I believe in you!
Much love,
P.S. Let me know if you see a book title in this post 🙂
Carrie Beason says
I really needed to hear these very words today Karmen…I am struggling more than I realize some days…wondering what God has for me through this illness & bed ridden days…not to mention financial strain. But I heard the word of God speak to me plain as day several months before I got sick during an everyday task in my kitchen…He said “I want you at home with your girls.” No matter if this is now my permanent situation or only temporary, I want to give my girls all I can of Him & myself. Thank you for the blog
Karmen says
To God be the glory Carrie! No pain is in vain! Keep fighting! God has a plan and a purpose for your life.
Courtney DeFeo says
yes. yes. yes. proud of you. you’ll never regret slowing down – but the opposite is true. rushing and forcing is hardly ever productive. i think about the three chapters i was forced to completely rewrite and i was ticked. but i am SO GLAD! God taught me more about writing and about faith through the rewrite. it is such a better product now then it was before. he’s using this time. it’s not over. lately i’ve been challenged by a friend – “are you wanting to quit altogether? or maybe you should just try quitting the striving?” ouch and yes. it’s hard to differentiate. but one can take us out completely and the devil loves that.
Karmen says
Your words have encouraged me to keep going more days than I can count! Thank you for pushing me forward CD!
Megan Nilsen says
YES. Girl… I actually love the concept/phrase “in a right now world, some things take time.” very counter culture. something we all need to remember!! how do we embrace the technology and the “instant gratification” w/o letting it completely take over our lives?? i think you might be on to something! i always love what christine caine says about striving too hard — this is not verbatim, but she says that if God is in something then He will create it and make it thrive. If not, then whatever we create we have to maintain and it will be in our own strength. tiring and exhausting indeed! praying for levity and “supernatural” wings/energy around this idea and over your writing. for now, just keep doing what you’re doing (marching around that wall) and God will let you know when it’s “time!!”