y’all are the best..we’re almost a week into our series, 31 Questions to Stir Your Soul.
I’m encouraged and very much enjoying your comments and responses to the questions …THANK YOU!
To my introverted, more private friends…it’s absolutely fine if you want to write your answers down for your eyes only..
I’m thrilled you’re reading and following along…
Last night’s question:
what words of wisdom would the married YOU have offered to the single YOU?
The married me would have encouraged the single me with this truth:
Rest assured if the single me had practiced the frugal practices of thrift store shopping verses the Victoria Secret clothing catalog shopping the Smith’s financial situation would have looked a lot different A LOT sooner…
The 18 year married me would have gently shook the single me by the shoulders and said,
“All that STUFF you think you can’t live without…it’s just stuff honey and it’s going to end up-out dated-in a yard sale or donated or broken…”
“Stop secretly spending beyond your means.
A half truth is a whole lie.
Listen hun, one day your heart may change and your career and the pursuit of the American dream won’t matter as much to you and who knows, you may even decide to come home and be a stay at home momma.”
LESS stuff is MORE peaceful is where I would have started with the single me with a side note sure to mention the importance of communication, healthy boundaries and realistic verses unrealistic expectations.
Speaking of expectations………
What makes an expectation unrealistic?