If you’re late to the party here’s a recap of this week’s thought-provoking , soul-stirring questions from our series
31 Questions to Stir Your Soul:
no worries, no grades will be taken this is just a little series to shake us all just a bit, lest we get stale!
Because who wants to be stale? not me. Oh, and lest you haven’t noticed, apparently I’m in love with the “lest we” phrase…this too shall pass
I will be over it and on to another soon enough 😛
back to our question recap………
What dream have you stopped dreaming? why?
what words of wisdom would the married YOU have offered to the single YOU?
what makes an expectation unrealistic?
Yesterday’s question was
what good things are you saying “no” to in order to leave room for the
great things the Lord has for you right now?
my “no” for today is a more elaborate blog post because my best yes this evening is quality time with my family and our small group…
today’s question for you dear friends:
What was fabulous or not so much about your day?
Share with us….will you?