Dear friend,
It’s been too long.
Grab a chair, sit a spell and tell me exactly how many days it is until summer staycation?
It’s surely that time of year.
The kids are ready, huh? or are mine the only ones with a severe case of Spring fever?
We’re running full throttle these days..
Doing our best to finish strong as we wrap the school year.
Squeezing in a bird-rescue, here and there which quite obviously leaves no time for haircuts. Bless.
Because ain’t nobody that likes to sink canoes and swim with dogs in freezing cold ponds in April got time for haircuts.
How about you? What’s new?
Speaking of what’s new, or old and back in?
I can’t wait to tell you more about my most recent trip to the Nashville flea market and how vintage, cowboy style is back with a vengeance- which means J is ……. are y’all ready for this????
I know, those words barely fit in my mouth J + trendy=HU-LAR-RI-OUS~!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shirts (like this one) (oh boy) that he’s had for at least 20 years are back! And as an added bonus, are worth much more than they were when he first bought them.
I. just. can’t.
Just too much preciousness in one square.
So many stories to tell you. O-my-gosh! like the podcast I am beggin’ the cowboy to let me share….because there-just-may- be a recording (which he may but probably didn’t know was happening) of him retelling a story that was told in the parking lot at the store of a rooster he sold that ended up with a friend of a friend. A rooster who went on to become a fightin’ rooster, who lost an eye and finally became king of the ring. A story so, ‘red’ (short for redneck) for lack of a better word that had me absolutely doubled over at the details. A story so well told, jam packed with rooster fightin’ lingo- it’s sure to intrigue even the most sophisticated
And while we’re talking roosters, did you hear him scream?
This dude flogged Jake.
I tried not to laugh because it wasn’t funny at all, except that it was and I’m glad God made Jake fast because had he not been so fast and ran so hard with all of his might, it could have been much worse -which is of course why we sold the viscous dude to a customer who turned him into taco soup. The end.
Speaking of customers….THANK YOU!! a million thank yous, to ALL of you who are making Spring such a thing at Fort Payne Feed & Garden. Our little family is ever-so-grateful for you and your patronage.
Thank you for shopping with us and telling all of your friends about our pet feed, and cute succulents and
for decorating your porches and patios with us……THANK YOU
By the way, if you are local and you haven’t made it by- you totally should.
If not for you, for your mother or for the one you love like she’s your mother because MOTHER’S DAY IS SUNDAY and we want your mother to have a fantabulous day.
Come shop with us and buy flowers and ferns and feed.
Saturday would be a good day because it’s going to be sunny and these little cuties are going to have a lemonade stand
and it’s going to be grand.
Until then I hope you are able to find time to rest and savor the goodness of this season
Sweet dreams dear friend,
Pat S. says
So good, Karmen. Made me feel as if I had a little vacation into your part of the country. Thank you.
Kathleen Esperdy says
Your sharing feels like “I’m there”…. its always insightful and entertaining all at the same time. I see your blessings manifested in your family and the love given all that you touch. Thank you for your precious friendship.